Get Well Soon Jess --- PLEASE HELP
My heart has been so incredibly sore since last night when my husband came home and told me about a friend of a friend of ours who has recently been delivered some of the hardest news one could ever possibly imagine hearing --- that his wife, his soul mate, mother of his children, has a cancerous tumor on her brain.
We have a history of cancer in our family, and I know what devastation it can cause, and it is one of my very biggest fears. Since becoming a mom this fear has only multiplied! I want to see my kids grow up! I want them to have a mom.
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The couple who is facing this massive challenge is Simon and Jess Nicholson. I don't know them personally, but I have heard that they are both amazing people... and they need our help - each and everyone who is able to help --- please.
Jess has had surgery to remove the tumor, and they believe they got it all, thank the Lord. They now face a challenge as a family as they have massive medical bills coming in, which their medical aid is not covering in full, as well as the fact that with the long road to recovery that Jess has to now begin, she is unable to continue her career, and the very last thing she needs is stress relating to money.
PLEASE could you read the below, and follow through to the link where you are able to donate money - anything at all - if you are willing or able to do so. I can't remember being this emotional about anything, Simon and Jess' story really has touched me... if you aren't able to help financially but would like to provide a meal then please email me and I will arrange for the lady who is setting this roster up to contact you for a date. If you can't give anything please share this story with those who may be able to help...
Created by Simon Nicholson on February 18, 2013
About This Page
In my lifetime I have been challenged with a few frightening situations. Like being caught inside at 15 foot Pipeline, like being hijacked with shots fired, armed robbers breaking into my house, being held up at knife point in the street.
Nothing comes close to the terrifying sight I saw on Saturday the 9th of February 2013 when my wife and soul mate, Jessica, suffered a massive seizure out of the blue. The timeline of events that followed has left me here ... Sitting next a hospital bed in neuro ICU eight days later, while Jess recovers from brain surgery.
Turns out she had a brain tumor... And because it was on the dominant left hand side of the brain, it ruptured, causing the seizure, causing us to rush her to hospital and have a CT scan. That seizure it turns out, saved her life. The tumor, a grade 4 glioblastoma, would have quadrupled in the following months, and left me without my best friend, and a mother for our most beautiful special kids.
I thought I had life all figured out, had the t's crossed and the i's dotted.
I didn't.
My first mistake was that I have taken this incredibly special family for granted. I can do better, I want to do better.
My second is that I underestimated the value of having complete health security for my family. I have medical aid, but it's not comprehensive, and as it so happens there is a shortfall.
Furthermore Jess is an incredibly driven, motivated, self employed fashion designer. Unfortunately the tumor was highly malignant, which means she is heading into a few years worth of Chemo and radiation starting immediately. That means life must change for us. Jess needs to focus all her strength into fighting this cancer, and that means we need help, and despite my pride and being brought up to stand on my own two feet, I want my wife to be around more than any of that.
So this is me asking for help, to cover the shortfall , to build a support structure, so Jess can get the care she needs, and keep our family together.
Read more: HERE and donate if you can
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