24 hours of HECTIC

And then all at once... unannounced and violent... ... it hit us --- Our little boy was SICK! 

It was a normal Monday afternoon, and Jackson was even more happy than usual - laughing his head off at his silly mom singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm for 10minutes straight {this Old Macdonald had crocodiles and elephants and all sorts of fancy animals on his farm!!} and there were giggles galore! 

I fed him his dinner which he didn't eat much of - but he hasn't done the past 10 days or so, and we have out it down to teething. His dad bathed him as per our normal nightly routine, and I took him to his room, laid him in his cot and tried to feed him his bottle. It wasn't until this moment that realised something was up. He was restless and crying unusually, and did not want his bottle at all! 
He was putting up such a fuss that I eventually picked him up and tried to feed him while he was in my arms. He guzzled down his bottle as if he had never seen food before, and just as he pulled off the teat, he projectile vomited - like a kid off a double-bounced trampoline - all over his carpet - it shot so far it barely touched me!  :( 
He now seemed completely exhausted and passed out in my arms whilst I was summoning daddy-dearest to come help clean up. I laid him in his cot, cleaned the carpet, and left him to sleep... hoping to goodness that this was a once-off event! 

Hubby and I sat in the lounge, both on our computers working, and exchanging eye contact with every groan and moan coming from the Angel Care Monitor. Little Jackson was just not settling, and by 10pm he was screaming blue-murder, and we brought him through to our bed. The strangest thing - he was absolutely fine this afternoon!! More than fine in fact! This child that lay between us was not fine... far from it. He was boiling hot, miserable, and had a nose more blocked up than spaghetti-junction at rush hour! :(  
After medicating little Jackson he finally seemed to calm a bit, and he tossed and turned until he found my hand, gripped it in his, and slowly drifted off to sleep. 
{Even at 6months old, little boys want their mommy when they are sick! <3 } 

01:30 Jackson woke screaming - he could not breathe out of his nose - and for a child who doesn't sleep without his dummy - this is a problem! After soothing him and giving him some nasal drops {Illadin - amazing stuff!} he settled a bit, but continued tossing and moaning and I, knowing tomorrow was already going to be hectic for me and didn't see the point in both of us being zombies, told hubby to go sleep in the spare room. We never sleep apart - its a rule of ours - but this was for the greater good. {his - not mine!} 
Jackson finally drifted off to sleep again and woke sometime around 06:00. And my day began...

I had sooo much to do today, and did not want to take my sick little boy out.. but the cupboards and fridge resembled that of Old Mother Hubbard, and we couldn't go another meal without a shop, plus I had offered to make a meal for a family going through a hard time {Simon & Jess Nicholson} and I wanted to make it special! Thank goodness for my incredibly amazing husband - because I would not have gotten through this day without him! I tried to feed little Jackson his breakfast, but after another morning vomm he wasn't having much of it at all, and then I finally got him down just after 9am. I then got dressed and dashed to the shops while my darling hubby worked from home and kept and eye on our little champ. I dashed around the aisles of Checkers and Woolies like something out of Reggies Rush, and got home to a frustrated hubby and ever-moaning little boy. His temp was 37.4' - nothing to worry about but the highest it has ever been - he has only ever remained at 36.6'... but boy was he one unhappy little rascal. He would not lie alone, he would not sleep, and most unusual of all, my little fatty-bom-bom would not eat!!  

And so came the comical {to my hubby not to me} part of my day: 
I had to cook the meal for the Nicholson family, but Jackson would not let me put him down - he literally screamed and screamed and screamed! So I had no choice but to strap him to me, and try cook over and around him! If you don't believe me, hubby-dearest documented then event, all whilst laughing continuously... monkey! 

So, dear readers... if you thought your week had gotten off to a hectic start... then take joy in the fact that you didn't have to cook around a heffalump! ;) 

I will say though, I am quite proud of me - Bacon&Mushroom Pasta, Salad and Cupcakes - done :) 

Have a giggle at the pics: 

Cooking Pasta

Making the Salad

Jackson passed out somewhere in between dicing mushrooms and washing Rocket! 

Fait accompli: accomplished fact; a thing already done
Finished Product - Bacon & Mushroom Pasta and Rocket, Cabbage, Avo Salad

Chocolate Cupcakes - YUMMY they were goooooood! :)

Needless to say, hubby and I are both overwhelmingly happy that the last 24 hours of HECTIC are over, and we are crossing fingers, toes and anything else flexible enough, that little Jackson has a better night! 



  1. Gosh, what a hectic time you had. But how glamorous do you look cooking with baba attached!

  2. hehe thanks Claudz :)
    Felt the furtherest thing from glam though and was sweating buckets ;)


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