Pregnancy – the miracle, the blessing… the worst experience of my life!
So, there is no taking away from the fact that babies are MIRACLES and bring so much joy, laughter, excitement and indescribable LOVE…
But for me personally, pregnancy, labour, and motherhood were some of the biggest challenges I have had to face to date, but the one that takes the prize for the worst experience of my life has got to be my pregnancy with my son, Jackson Jay.
7weeks after falling pregnant was when the dreaded MORNING SICKNESS arrived… and NEVER LEFT!It started with the typical nausea and tiredness that most moms-to-be experience, and it developed into something very few unfortunate souls experience: Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) See below for description.In a nut-shell, I was awoken every morning between 4 and 6am with nausea and vomiting, which on any given day did not stop until around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. This was pretty much my average day whilst I was pregnant. Just when you start feeling sorry for me, hold on to those sympathetic emotions, as they are about to multiply hugely…!Scattered throughout these days of utter exhaustion, nausea and vomiting, were the really really bad days!!
The Really Really Bad Days went like this:4am – wake up, running to bathroom, covering mouth, vomitingVomiting non-stop EVERY 20 MINUTES for the ENTIRE DAY5pm – Husband comes home to find me curled up in bathroom around toilet or bucket, white as a sheet, shaking like a leaf, and unable to speak.5.30pm – Husband loads me into car and takes me to hospital emergency rooms.First and foremost, I was repeatedly blown away at the constant overflowing of love, care, sympathy and help I received from my incredible husband! He honestly blew me away daily. There was never anything that he wouldn’t do for me or find for me – there were even days when I sent him hunting for a particular type of FRUITY Mustard as it was what I was craving at the time. I think he went to three different stores and sent me pics of every type of Mustard they had… He is amazing. I am blessed to have him as my husband!
Okay, slight over-exaggeration happening above as this really only happened 3 times in 9 months… but still… the one time I stayed 2 nights in hospital, or maybe 3… I don’t remember ! Either way, it was hectic! If you don’t believe me – I went from weighing 54.5kg to 49kg in my first 12weeks of pregnancy… #notnormal
Not a word of a lie – I was nauseous EVERY SINGLE DAY for 7,5months of my pregnancy. It was horrible and I hated it, and I cannot begin to imagine having to go through all of that again! (even though I have to risk it because I have to try for a daughter, whose name will be Brooklyn… but that’s for another post for another day!)
Throughout all of this I have to say, even though it was one of the worst experiences of my LIFE, in a sense I felt truly loved and truly blessed throughout the ‘ordeal’.Another example of how I felt blessed throughout my Morning Sickness was from my boss. I worked for a man, who has since, along with his beautiful wife and precious baby girl, become our nearest and dearest friends. My boss showed me such incredible grace throughout my ‘sickness’, that he allowed me to work from home, as and when I was able to look at a computer screen, and when I couldn’t, well that was fine too. He showed me compassion, constantly checking up to see how I was coping, and never ever made me feel like a burden or a pain. To date this was my most favourite job and most favourite boss. Very hard to beat.The last example of how I experienced an abundance of love and care through this hard time, was from my family and friends. There was complete understanding when I couldn’t find the strength to drag myself out of bed to special occasions. There were many visits to see me in bed, armed with Energades, Magazines and Coca-Cola. There was never a time when anyone made me feel completely disgusting (which was how I looked by the way – green most of the time). I was always reassured that after this ‘terrible’ pregnancy, I was sure to have the easiest of labors… hahaha whatever! But again, another story for another day
Some pics of me in my pregnant-ness:
Test | 5 Months | 7 Months | 9 Months
Hope you had a better pregnancy experience?
But for me personally, pregnancy, labour, and motherhood were some of the biggest challenges I have had to face to date, but the one that takes the prize for the worst experience of my life has got to be my pregnancy with my son, Jackson Jay.
7weeks after falling pregnant was when the dreaded MORNING SICKNESS arrived… and NEVER LEFT!It started with the typical nausea and tiredness that most moms-to-be experience, and it developed into something very few unfortunate souls experience: Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) See below for description.In a nut-shell, I was awoken every morning between 4 and 6am with nausea and vomiting, which on any given day did not stop until around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. This was pretty much my average day whilst I was pregnant. Just when you start feeling sorry for me, hold on to those sympathetic emotions, as they are about to multiply hugely…!Scattered throughout these days of utter exhaustion, nausea and vomiting, were the really really bad days!!
The Really Really Bad Days went like this:4am – wake up, running to bathroom, covering mouth, vomitingVomiting non-stop EVERY 20 MINUTES for the ENTIRE DAY5pm – Husband comes home to find me curled up in bathroom around toilet or bucket, white as a sheet, shaking like a leaf, and unable to speak.5.30pm – Husband loads me into car and takes me to hospital emergency rooms.First and foremost, I was repeatedly blown away at the constant overflowing of love, care, sympathy and help I received from my incredible husband! He honestly blew me away daily. There was never anything that he wouldn’t do for me or find for me – there were even days when I sent him hunting for a particular type of FRUITY Mustard as it was what I was craving at the time. I think he went to three different stores and sent me pics of every type of Mustard they had… He is amazing. I am blessed to have him as my husband!

Not a word of a lie – I was nauseous EVERY SINGLE DAY for 7,5months of my pregnancy. It was horrible and I hated it, and I cannot begin to imagine having to go through all of that again! (even though I have to risk it because I have to try for a daughter, whose name will be Brooklyn… but that’s for another post for another day!)
Throughout all of this I have to say, even though it was one of the worst experiences of my LIFE, in a sense I felt truly loved and truly blessed throughout the ‘ordeal’.Another example of how I felt blessed throughout my Morning Sickness was from my boss. I worked for a man, who has since, along with his beautiful wife and precious baby girl, become our nearest and dearest friends. My boss showed me such incredible grace throughout my ‘sickness’, that he allowed me to work from home, as and when I was able to look at a computer screen, and when I couldn’t, well that was fine too. He showed me compassion, constantly checking up to see how I was coping, and never ever made me feel like a burden or a pain. To date this was my most favourite job and most favourite boss. Very hard to beat.The last example of how I experienced an abundance of love and care through this hard time, was from my family and friends. There was complete understanding when I couldn’t find the strength to drag myself out of bed to special occasions. There were many visits to see me in bed, armed with Energades, Magazines and Coca-Cola. There was never a time when anyone made me feel completely disgusting (which was how I looked by the way – green most of the time). I was always reassured that after this ‘terrible’ pregnancy, I was sure to have the easiest of labors… hahaha whatever! But again, another story for another day

Some pics of me in my pregnant-ness:

Hope you had a better pregnancy experience?
Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a severe, debilitating nausea and vomiting in pregnancy that generally leads to more than 5 percentweight loss and may require fluid and nutritional supplement. Dehydration, malnutrition, and other serious complications are the result of the “unrelenting, excessive pregnancy-related nausea and/or vomiting that prevents adequate intake of food and fluids.”[1] Hyperemesis is considered a rare complication of pregnancy but, because nausea and vomiting during pregnancy exist on a continuum, there is often not a good diagnosis between common morning sickness and hyperemesis. Estimates of the percentage of pregnant women afflicted range from 0.5% to 2%.[2]
Source: Wikipedia
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